Thanks for the invite...I CANT BELEIVE IT. I was banned from RSd. They sent me a gayass email.
So.... in 180 days i can come back. fuck that.
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We are a competing company according to RSD......?
LOL................we don't even sell anything.
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Good! 180 days should be plenty of time to wake up to the fact that you were involved with a non-religious cult. so, yea, welcome back to reality...welcome to puahate...enjoy your stay
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Please make more value posts like the new stratasphere of game. I really need more high-value reading-material and stuff to turn me into the right vibrational frequency to stay centered as an alpha male.
Unbelievable, Azur was one of the few intelligent dudes posting at RSDNation.
The RSD forum gets worse every year, as they just ban anyone with a brain. I think they do this on purpose, as they want to keep the sheep confused and helpless so they go to their shit World Summit.
That Tom faggot is a fat bitch. He should get a life and go on a diet instead of sitting on his fat ass all day on a power trip playing nazi moderator.
At RSDN we like to keep things positive AT ALL TIMES.
Hopefully this little hiatus will give him enough time to reflect on some of the negativity he was at times displaying, and at RSDN we like to give people second chances.
However, should he continue to post any negativity on his return he will be banned for life.
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Why are you even here you ginger fuck? Your opinions aren't welcome here.
By the way, are you suffering from HIV or something?
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Wow! Nicely said Tyler, my reality has been shattered. Before I was really reactive to theese speewers of negativity but then I reached a whole new level of game and plummeted into the indifference threshold, that way I internalized the 4 pillars of a strong reality and started to live according to my values.
I observed alot of stuff in your post Tyler that made me have 3-4 new realizations I will me writing about in my blog.
This is what theese chodes can't understand before reaching the fifth stratosphere level of game! Which can be reached by taking 30 rsd bootcamps. I came to that conclusion with this formula:
(a+bi) (c+di)*(fg*) = (RV^5)+(7^rX)*30 rsd Bootcamps = Awsome Level Of Game
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Hey Azur, you was by far the best poster on that forum, I agree you were causing embarassment though as you were so much better than the other members and instructors.
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Enforcing a "positive thinking" only communication policy is a sly way to preempt any critical thinking...that's what cults do...
Is this table with the levels of insubordination real? was he really sent something like that? I want proof that it's real. If so, this is a whole new level of psychoness.
also 'alex' here is a troll for sure, i say tyler too. they'll have to prove beyond doubt that they're real. like for example, predict an upcoming post of theirs ad rdsn. something like: "in 5 minutes i'll post this on rsdn and say this and that". then we can check on rsdn and verify.
I could not find anything in their terms that even remotely relates to 'insubordination'.
This, I found really fucking hilarious though...
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LOL!!!! Yea, that definitely is NOT a legally binding agreement. If that was the case then EVERY website in the world would slip in some HUGE $$$$ liability clause in their site's terms and conditions. RSD IS THE NEW SCIENTOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TYLER IS SUCH A CONTROL FREAK WEIRDO lOSER CULT LEADER
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That's how you know most of the people posting there are idiots...
I would never believe that shit...
They are gonna charge me 10,000 dollars for trolling??! hahahahah